My mother opened the door and was greeted with another chorus of “Trick or Treat!” As she was dropping goodies into the proffered bags and admiring little costumes a cat strolled through the open door and made himself at home in the kitchen. Halloween commerce completed, that group of ghosts and goblins and their adult escorts started to depart. “Take your cat” my mother called. The reply “It’s not our cat”.
This is how Spooker came to live with us and how he earned his name. A sizable smoke grey cat who appeared from nowhere on All Hallows Eve and stayed.
None of the neighbors claimed to know him. No one placed an ad in the Lost Pets section of the newspaper. He wasn’t being sought after at the local shelter. It’s as if he simply materialized, fully formed, at our kitchen door.
He remained with us for a couple of years, until we moved. He was loaded up and transported to our new home along with the rest of the menagerie. As soon as he could get out he disappeared. A week or so later he turned up at the old address. All efforts to move him were futile.
Because he came so mysteriously and refused to leave I wouldn’t be too surprised to find that a large smoke grey cat arrived at the kitchen door of the house at the top of the hill in National City tonight, Hallowe’en. Slipping past the trick-or-treaters and making himself at home.