by Kerry | Apr 16, 2013 | Adventures, Musings
I decided it was time to make a few changes. So, not being one to do things by halves, I dropped a bomb into my life and changed almost everything. All at once. It has been a mad couple of months. First I tried to sell one of my businesses. When that didn’t work...
by Kerry | May 2, 2012 | Day In The Life Of, Musings
If you’re a regular reader of my irregular ramblings you will remember the washing machine repairs undertaken last December. If not, you can read about it here. As predicted, the problem resurfaced just a few days ago. The machine had been working great,...
by Kerry | Mar 24, 2012 | Adventures, Musings, Play
The TV game show Jeopardy is advertising the latest on-line test to become a contestant. It’s coming up on March 28. My husband has been urging me to register and I’ve been “forgetting”. Last night I figured out why. It’s not that I was...
by Kerry | Mar 3, 2012 | Adventures, Happiness is, Musings, Play
Not quite “Build it and they will come” but the best I can do on this Saturday morning. If you read back in my posts you’ll encounter a number of articles about play and at least one where I express my ambition to speak and teach on the subject. That...
by Kerry | Sep 28, 2011 | Art as Life, Happiness is, Life as Art, Musings
A dear friend of mine purchased a floating home just about a year ago. When she purchased it the colors were a nice conservative brown with white trim. Nothing controversial but also nothing particularly interesting either. For a lot of people this would be fine....
by Kerry | Aug 25, 2011 | Adventures, Bitch Bitch Bitch, Musings
Have you ever found yourself trying to track down an odor? That was me starting about a week ago. As I walked from the living room toward to bathroom I detected . . . something. Something not pleasant. Sniff . . . sniff, did something die in here? It was faint and...